Healthy Food and Beverages
Drink NYC Water
Despite NYC’s high-quality, safe tap water, 1 in 4 New Yorkers drinks at least one sugary beverage per day.
Through the Partnership for a Healthier NYC, SIPCW created a Staten Island awareness campaign to promote water as a healthy, affordable, and environmentally friendly beverage option. The posters, “Drink Water: the Choice is Clear”, can be found on Staten Island bus shelters, in promotional materials, and at various events.
My Plate Food Challenge
Working with City Harvest, SIPCW helped host the My Plate Food Challenge.
Eight local food establishments agreed to create plates using the USDA’s My Plate proportions: half vegetables or fruit, one-quarter starch, and one-quarter protein. Customers judged the plates while learning more about what a healthy plate looks like across various ethnicities.